Saturday 1 November 2008

"Storybook" Concert

In the end, Son No 3 had a wonderful time performing in his concert this morning.

Earlier on, Son No 3 had not wanted to go for his concert. I am not sure if it was a case of anxiety attacks. It was only after much cajolling that he changed into his Red Indian dance costume with tears rolling down his face. His make-up was completely smeared.

He cheered up visibly in the car while we were on our way to the auditorium in Kelana Jaya. And when we reached the auditorium, he was finally caught up with the excitement. Sigh...

The concert was more than 3 hours long. Speaking as a mother of 3 (this is my 7th kindergarten concert in total), I can tell you that the best moments in these concerts are always the candid moments.
The two kinds of children who provide the best moments are
1) those who are blissfully unaware that they are on stage and continue doing their own stuff and
2) the bossy ones who tell their fellow classmates to do this or that.
I don't think I am biased to say that Bangsar's "Peter Pan" segment was the best in the concert. The entire cast performed well. The only blooper was when Captain Hook's hook fell off when he was duelling with Peter Pan.
Son No 3 had a small non-speaking role as the captor of Tinkerbell and John (see above), a role which he performed with aplomb (but of course!) He later performed the Red Indian dance with the rest of the troupe.

Son No 2 was restless in his seat right from the start. He was climbing up and down his chair, crawling on the floor, moving from seat to seat... Boy, was I glad when he fell asleep after the Peter Pan segment (see left).

Son No 1 seemed to be enjoying himself during certain items (see picture) but he too succumbed to the "sleep powder" in the air towards the end.

As for me, it's time for me now for some shut-eye...

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