Monday 28 July 2008

"Can We Read The Bible?"

"Can we read the bible tonight?"

Whoa, what brought that on? We were alone in the car this afternoon when Son No 2 popped the question. Ours is not a church-going family and regretfully, God does not figure prominently in our daily home life. So I was somewhat surprised at the question.

"I want to pray to God."

Hmm... it turned out that one of his best friends in school, a girl named Yuki, had asked him this question, "Do you believe in God?", to which he had answered in the affirmative. Yuki had replied that she also believed in God.

I asked Son No 2 casually which church does Yuki attend.

"I don't know, maybe like the one we passed by this morning."

"No, that's a mosque. It's where Muslims go. You know, the boys who wear the songkok. Christians go to church." I paused, unsure how far to continue in this subject. I decided to continue, "Christians believe in Jesus."

"I believe in Jesus and so I am a Christian."

Well.... I doubt he understood the significance of his announcement. Son No 2 went on to reminisce about the time when he attended a church-based kindergarten in Singapore and where they listened to Bible stories and sang songs. That's where he got to know Jesus.

Imagine this, young Yuki has done her part as an evangelist. Now it is my turn to ponder... is this a calling that I have to do my part to introduce my children to Christ? I think I have sufficient knowledge of the Bible but my own relationship with God is a big question mark.

Earlier this year, it did occur to me to introduce God to the children in a more structured way. I realised that spiritual development is one area that I have neglected. I have in fact made a trip to Popular Book Store (they have all types of books) to stock up on children's bible story books as well as bible-related activity books. So I already have the materials ready. I just never got started. This is perhaps the boost that is needed to start me going...

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