Tuesday 24 June 2008

Conversations With Son No 3

How To Sleep

"Mummy, I can't sleep."
"Just try."
(Fidget, fidget) "Mummy, can you teach me how to sleep?"
"Ok, close your eyes, don't talk, don't move."
(After a while) "I still can't sleep."
"Hmm, Daddy says you can count sheep."
"No use."
"Ok, just pretend to sleep."
(Brightens up) "You mean, I don't really have to sleep? Pretend only?"
"Yes, just pretend to sleep."
"Ya, really."
(Pleased) (Shortly after, falls asleep) "Zzzzz...."

Traffic Light Dilemma

"Mummy, why did you go on red light?
"Erm..., the traffic light was spoilt."
(Frown) "But how did you know?"
(Long pause) "Ya, I just know...."

[Truth is, that particular traffic light is redundant. All the regular motorists in that area agree :) If I were to stop, I would be honked. But a little white lie is ok... for peace of mind. Can you imagine the barrage of questions that will follow if I had tried to explain in full?!]

Gastonomic Obsession

"Mummy, I was a good boy today."
"Oh, yeah? What did you do?"
"I finished all my dinner."
(Nod) "Ya, that's good. What else did you do?"
"I finished my lunch."
(Nod again, still hopeful) "Aha..., anything else good that you did today?"
"Ya, I finished my breakfast."
(Give up)

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