Monday 30 June 2008

A Normal Weekend

Weekends are just as hectic for us. Saturday sees us having a sleep-in. After a leisurely breakfast, we need to rush for taekwando classes for Sons No 1 & 2 and mandarin enrichment class for Son No 3. That takes us to a late lunch, after which, we send Son No 1 for his mandarin enrichment class. In between, we run errands like sending clothes to the laundry, visiting the bank, grocery shopping and the like.

We try to keep Sunday free from chores/routine - a family day - and this normally means we go out for a shopping trip or lunch. Once in a long while, we go to the cinema or to the park at Lake Gardens. There are limited places where we can go to in this city.

Sometimes, we stay in on Sunday. I love that too because that will mean a real rest for all of us. A long nap in the afternoon, reading in bed, hubby tending to the flower beds, children doing their own things in their rooms. Heaven.

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