Monday 16 June 2008

Son No 3 - Not the Baby of the Family

Son No 3 has displayed a feisty spirit since birth, seemingly impatient to catch up with his two elder brothers in all aspects of life. This, he has succeeded to a certain extent, as the baby of the family is really not a baby in characteristics at all!

Son No 3 was born with a voracious appetite. He is the only one of my three sons whom I successfully breast-fed due to his sheer determination to consume the maximum milk available to him. His milk intake grew exponentially, as did his size. Since then and up until today, he has always exceeded the 97th percentile in terms of height for his age group.

A fussy eater, he is not. Son No 3 is adventurous in his food and is ready to sample new fare all the time. Those who know him find it amusing that food is never far from his thoughts.

With two elder brothers, it is not surprising that son No 3 is maturing ahead of his time. Consider the songs he sang at different ages:

At 3 years old - "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family ..." from Barney's

At 4 years old - "What time is it? Summer time ...." from High School Musical 2

At 5 years old - "I may not make it through the night, I won't go home without you..." Current Top 10 hit by Maroon 5.

One can't help but wonder what song will he be singing when he turns 6? "Imagine, there's no heaven..." ?

You know how people start appreciating older songs when they get older...? ;-)

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