Monday 22 September 2008

Back-At-Work Mom

Last weekend, I was back at work. I had classes at the University on both Saturday and Sunday. My two younger sons were, as usual, thrilled to see me dress up and go to work. They have often asked me why am I not working - I think in their minds, all adults need to work. At one point when I didn't seem to be holding any job, they asked me what would I like to be when I grow up! I said I wanted to be a mother but they took it as a non-answer.

Anyway, I enjoyed my classes immensely as usual. Besides the once-a-month face-to-face tutorial, my students and I "meet" regularly on the on-line learning management system, where forums and chatrooms are available and announcements can be made, assignments submitted. My students also regularly drop me emails for various reasons. This line of work suits my present lifestyle to a "T" as it is home-based and flexible, at the same time keeping my grey cells working and my resume updated.

That should be enough reward by itself, but this morning, as I was checking my mailbox, I was pleasantly surprised to receive 3 emails which were non-routine. What I normally get are emails asking me course-related questions or those seeking approval to extend assignment deadlines. These 3 emails however were different.

Two of the emails were from my students, telling me they have enjoyed my class and how they have found me to be a source of inspiration. This is unusual because it is not Teacher's Day and we are only in the middle of term. That they took the trouble to compose such an email message is really something.

All my students are working adults and more than a third of them are my contemporaries or older than me. Many of them have missed out on a chance to further their education when they were younger and have now found the courage to go back to school. They need lots of encouragement and all the help they can get to pursue a part-time business degree course.

The third email was also kind of surprising. It did not come from any of my students. It came from a student who is taking the same course under another study center in Ipoh and he asked me a course-related question. Well, they do say that imitation is the best form of flattery, and if I were to draw a parallel, I would say that having a student from another class asking you a question is also a form of flattery! But this may require careful handling - turf-war and all that :)

Anyway, as in any job, there are unpleasant aspects and for this job, it is the grading of assignments. Right now, I have scores of assignments waiting for me to grade. Sigh, it's going to be a laborious week ahead.

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