Saturday 13 September 2008

Chicken Soup For Moms

Last night, I started reading Chicken Soup For The Mother And Son Soul.

I am not ashamed to say that my eyes were brimming with tears many times as I read the "heartwarming stories that celebrate the lifelong bond", so says the blurb. Let's not be cynical and doubt who are these ghost writers - they have served their purpose. And what a good purpose it was. My soul is completely nourished.

My gosh, what was I thinking about when I contemplated only on the stress that a family holiday might bring? Have I forgotten what joy our children can bring into our lives? After all, it is not that many holidays that we can have together as a family where we can still enjoy their unbridled enthusiasm and wide-eyed innocence.

Soon enough, they will be living their own lives, away from home, especially Son No 1. Soon enough, there will come a time when I walk into their bedrooms and will be greeted by silence and neatly made-up beds, books untouched and bare wardrobes. No dirty laundry in a corner, no bags strewn all over the room.

And after that, there will come a day when I will look into a young woman's eyes behind her veil, hold her hand in mine, and say, "This is my son. Take good care of him."

Ya, that last paragraph is from Chicken Soup.

Anyway, I am now energized and really motivated to plan for an overseas holiday. It will be the best holidays of our lives.

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