Friday 19 September 2008

The Best Red Indian Dancer

Today, Son No 3 came home with the script for Peter Pan - I knew that his class was putting up this play for the school concert in November. Son No 3 was really excited - he told me he needed to learn the parts for John (one of the three children in the family). I was surprised because all along, he was in the Red Indian dance, one of the segments in the play. He did not have a speaking part.

The teacher left a message with Son No 3 for me to call her which I did as soon as I reached home. She told me that the part of John was actually given to Wayan (yes, the same Wayan that I have written about earlier). However, as they were worried that Wayan might not turn up, they needed a back-up. If Wayan did turn up, Son No 3 would continue to perform the Red Indian dance.

I thought about it. I did not want to put Son No 3 through all this - learn all the lines and then not be in the play. I honestly do not mind if it was for a "real" back-up function. But knowing the school situation intimately, I find the choice of Wayan to play one of the 7 speaking roles is really questionable. One might say it is not fair to speculate but come on, we are not living in la-la land. No, even at pre-school level, there are these unseen forces that are at play.

I do not know who made the decision to let Wayan have a speaking part and I don't care. If the teacher is worried, I am not surprised at all. But don't throw the ball at my court. I am not going to catch it.

I have since told the teacher that I will not be coaching Son No 3 on the lines since he will not be in the play (ya, the other thing is - I was supposed to coach him at home. I pay the exorbitant school fees and end up doing the work).

I have also explained to Son No 3, not in so many words, but he understands that Wayan is the one who is going to play John. No problem with him. Son No 3 is quite happy to remain in the Red Indian dance. So is Mummy.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%!

Anonymous said...

Concert is on 1st November. That's a good suggestion - to rename the title.